
Chinatown New York Walking Food Tour Schedule

91 Bayard St New York, 10013 10013 | 866-269-0840  

Dive headfirst into the culinary and cultural delights of New York's bustling Chinatown with our Walking Food Tour. This adventure, guided by a local expert, lets you savor the top gourmet dishes of this colorful neighborhood, from the best crisp-fried egg rolls to the most flavorful hand-pulled noodles. Along the way, you'll discover hidden gems, explore historic streets, and immerse in uplifting stories that detail the rich immigrant heritage of this vibrant community. If you're a food lover keen on experiencing authentic local cultures, book now to secure your spot on this unique, tasteful exploration of one of New York City's most iconic districts.

Calendario del recorrido gastronómico a pie por Chinatown, Nueva York
Dia de cita Horarios disponibles
ago. 31
3:00 p. m. | LIBRO
agosto 2024       septiembre 2024       octubre 2024       noviembre 2024       diciembre 2024      
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Chinatown New York Walking Food Tour:
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